Recovery colleges

There is a recovery college in each of the Health and Social Care Trusts. Each recovery college offers courses and workshops. 


Recovery colleges are for everyone and offer education rather than therapy as a route to recover from mental health problems and improve wellbeing. 

You do not have to be referred by a GP or therapist to recovery college courses, they are open to anyone. You can join classes by completing a simple registration form with your local recovery college. 

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    Belfast Recovery College

    Courses and workshops for those living in Belfast to encourage individual recovery, wellness, empowerment, progress and life-long learning.

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    Northern Recovery College

    Courses and workshops for those living in the northern area to encourage individual recovery, wellness, empowerment, progress and life-long learning.

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    South Eastern Recovery College

    Courses and workshops for those living in the south eastern area to encourage individual recovery, wellness, empowerment, progress and life-long learning.

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    Southern Recovery College

    Courses and workshops for those living in the southern area to encourage individual recovery, wellness, empowerment, progress and life-long learning.

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    Western Recovery College

    Courses and workshops for those living in the western area to encourage individual recovery, wellness, empowerment, progress and life-long learning.