If you or someone you know is in danger of suicide, please seek help immediately. You should:

  • Call 999;
  • Call Lifeline on 0808 808 8000;
  • Use your local emergency department.

Don’t try to manage your or someone else’s suicidal thoughts on your own. Remember, thoughts about suicide are just that – thoughts. They won’t last forever and often they pass quickly. Many people who have had serious thoughts about suicide have said that they feel completely different only hours later.
You can read more by following the links below:

Windsor Women's Centre



Day-care provision or children
Education courses - ESOl, Essential skills, I.T, Maths GCSE, Intro to Counselling
Live & learn project- Yoga, Swimming lessons, Living History
(PHA) Counselling, Complementary Therapies, Courses to build mental resilience e.g. theraputic art, Positive thinking.

Education project -women
Live & learn project - women
Community mental health project - women and men

Main services

Mental health

Trust area

Belfast Trust


136-144 Broadway,
BT12 6HY