The charities aim is "Promoting the Health and Well-being of men in the North West of Ireland" by offering advice, counselling and support in a range of issues such as Men's Health Education and Health Promotion, with the objectives of;
- Stimulating the growth of community self-help initiatives among men in the North-West Area
- Facilitating communication between men on issues relating to their health, well-being and changing role in society and to helping establish such facilities/services deemed necessary.
- Seeking to create new services to meet the current emotional, physical and mental health needs of men.
- Seeking to create pre-emptive support as well as active response to men experiencing crisis.
- Providing information on issues relating directly to men's health and well- being.
- Helping promote the holistic well - being of society through the participation of men in self- help groups which foster respect for both men and women equally.
- Working in conjunction with women's organisations and other relevant groups towards mutual understanding, social inclusion and equality